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2019.01.01 영화관 안에서
一位抱持理想主義的科學家急於為她的醫療科技新創公司取得資金,於是她和丈夫與神祕的投資人簽下令人咋舌的協議。 本劇由《BJ 單身日記》的芮妮·齊薇格、《城堡岩》的珍·李薇 、《歡樂合唱團》的布萊克·詹納聯合主演。
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
As long as Xiong Chunwei doesn’t take one day off, he is one of the busiest delivery men from ZTO Express in Jiuxianqiao area, Chaoyang, Beijing. Every Saturday or Sunday, his wife...
2010.01.01 영화관 안에서
After university student You Jia Qi met Meng He Ping, the two started dating. Meng He Ping's mother however strongly objected to their relationship. Jia Qi broke up with He Ping an...
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
An urban crime drama film which will cover topics from anti-corruption to anti-crime. The story revolves around Su Jian Ming and Li Hui Lin jointly investigating an undercurrent cr...
2020.01.01 영화관 안에서
Fu Rong is born into a family of goldsmiths, and is intelligent and hardworking. Due to her elder sister's unfortunate marriage, she vows to control her own destiny and flees from ...
2016.01.01 영화관 안에서
故事講述身為現代女生的高丙丙,卻十分篤信「 前世今生」,常常穿鑿附會,把自己當做「七世夫妻」的轉世女主角,並相繼與童年和學生時期的兩位男主角重逢。這一女兩男,高丙丙與王朕/王諾爭吵不休,與李如龍考驗不斷…丙丙傻了!難道白馬王子另有其人?命中注定只是鬧劇一場?
2001.01.01 영화관 안에서
Namson Lau is a ballroom dancing instructor. On stage, he is a refined and suave gentleman, but in reality, he is cunning and greedy, and dancing has become a mean to strike fortun...
2016.01.01 영화관 안에서
2018.01.01 영화관 안에서
The story of Ruge and Zhang Feng whose lives are interchanged after they are switched at birth. They meet and fall in love but their relationship takes a tragic turn due to the mac...
1970.08.20 영화관 안에서
2012.01.01 영화관 안에서
秦樂是某家俬店營業員,情感世界的“剩鬥士”,屢戰屢敗,越挫越勇。故事從秦樂再一次分手開始,幾近崩潰的她在三位好姐妹的幫助下重新開始新的生活。三位好友性格迥異,用不同的方式追求著美麗和愛情,也用不同價值觀企圖拯救受傷的秦樂。可能正是因為這種不離不棄的友情,秦樂才得以重獲對生活的熱情。最後她們竟然一起出現在一場相親派對,這又將是怎樣的一場奇遇呢?       ...
2013.08.20 영화관 안에서
2016.02.14 영화관 안에서
Louise and Kasper, a Danish couple, live in an isolated villa in the middle of the forest away from modern life, technology and even electricity. Louise's biggest dream is to becom...
2012.01.01 영화관 안에서
Lizzie, a young woman with amnesia, slowly comes to realise that she may have been responsible for the horrific murder of her parents. After returning to the family home, Lizzie ha...
2011.05.17 영화관 안에서
《美麗 Skoonheid》(南非語:Skoonheid)是2011年由奧利弗·赫曼努斯(Oliver Hermanus)共同執導的南非電影。它在2011年戛納電影節的“一種關注”單元中首映。 "Skoonheid"是南非荷蘭語,直譯就是"Beauty"。而美麗,正是男主角弗朗索瓦(德恩·勒茨 Deo...
2008.02.14 영화관 안에서
《美麗 아름답다》少女恩英(車秀妍 飾)即使閒坐在咖啡廳裏,也會因爲美貌而被人當成明星追捧。 數不清的路人找藉口搭訕以及無數求愛電話對她來說更是日常生活中的家常便飯。閨蜜的男友的居然向她展開狂熱的追求,雖然她再三拒絕,但是最終還是遭到閨蜜的誤會。 她感覺遠處總有一個人在跟蹤他,不過對此她也並沒有多在意,豈料,這個瘋狂的追求者居然闖進她家來並且對她...
2012.01.01 영화관 안에서
2023.04.30 영화관 안에서
某個夏天,11歲的蘇菲正步入敏感又懵懂的青春期,與離異的父親卡林同遊土耳其,慶祝他的31歲生日。父女如朋友般玩樂相處,珍惜彼此作伴的時光。「我想你知道,長大後不論遇到甚麼人、甚麼事,去甚麼派對,都可以告訴我。」卡林對蘇菲說。 短暫的假期過去,父女同遊的記憶,就此埋葬於土耳其。直至20年後,蘇菲將與父親當年度假拍下的錄像倒帶,才看懂陽光底下的父親,在她看不見的...
2023.01.01 영화관 안에서
11-year-old Sophie takes a summer vacation to Turkey with her loving and idealistic father, Calum. Twenty years later, she reminisces about the experience and reflects on their rel...
2002.12.30 영화관 안에서
Wilson Joel is a man in trouble. There's a searing pain in his gut that he can't tolerate and a dazed quietness to his struggle as he tries to maintain his equilibrium. Wilson is a...