Search Familiar Stranger result, Total 11 (take 0.001281 seconds).

10 months ago
Set in an apartment complex in the near future, depicts familiar everyday life, unforgettable adventures, and the pain and joy of getting to know someone.
9 months ago
Set in an apartment complex in the near future, depicts familiar everyday life, unforgettable adventures, and the pain and joy of getting to know someone.

SEOBOK ソボク에 대한 Isytelahhal 리뷰

2 years ago
Not necessarily great, the quality of cinematography and action sequences however are noticeably better than that of similar films coming out of Japan. The film bobs up and down th...
2 years ago
A biographical look into the legendary actress who I wasn\'t familiar aside from her undeniable presence on female friends\' wall decorations. We get a look into the woman\'s craft...
1 year ago
One of Britain\'s most bemusing King Arthur tales gets its Pan Labyrinthian treatment. In familiar A24-style, Green Knight is a colorful adventure, stylized with cult-like imagery,...

リスペクト에 대한 Pkngosshxmi 리뷰

2 years ago
From the look of the trailer, Respect might seem easy to write off as another musician\'s biographical film that if not familiar with the music won\'t digest well. But the struggle...
2 years ago
Jude Law plays a father trying to bullshit his way to riches. His plight into business is similar to the one confronted by the car salesman in Fargo, so it feels a little familiar....

独裁者에 대한 Gpmxosikhsn 리뷰

1 year ago
Chaplin\'s first talky picture is naturally awkward. Watching it today with the perspective that it was made before the US entered the war against Germany, one could imagine that m...
2 years ago
It\'s hard to say whether Japanese audiences will find much fun in this opus of an ant farm display of the internal workings of a US city\'s bureaucratic office. A four and a half ...
2 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む I am very familiar with the route that my tears follow from my stomach up to my eyes.  They go through my lungs, then my oesophagus, the carotid artery, ending up...
2 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む 原作者であるロバート・ハリスとは3回目の脚本のコラボということで... 映画の冒頭、ルイ15世が建てたエコール・ミリテール(フランス軍学校)の広場で大勢の陸軍兵士が見守る中、ドレフュス大尉が見せしめのように肩章や飾緒を付ける陸軍の証であるボタンもはぎ取られ、サーベルも真っ二つにへし折られるシーンを見て、その屈辱的な演出は...