Mr. Zhang Believes

총 173 리뷰
실행 시간   5時 31分鐘
언어   漢語
배우   Yifan Cai   Xiao\'ou Ma   Jimmy Zhang  
영화관 안에서   2015.08.10
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50% 필요,합계 180

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Mr. Zhang Believes 플롯

Zhang Xianchi is a man thrown into the Cultural Revolution and its afterimage, plunged into the ideological deadlocks of the era and suffering its consequences beyond it. Born into a family that supports the nationalist Kuomintang, Zhang eventually became a leftist and joined the Communist Party. But his family’s background eventually catches up with him, and in a series of bureaucratic measures, he is labelled as a Rightist, leading to a slew of irrational yet life-affecting consequences. His story is told through an exhilarating hybrid of forms, blending documentary-styled interviews and spectral theatrical displays within an ever-mutating studio-space. Hypnagogic in its imagery and ironic in attitude, Mr. Zhang Believes is a tour-de-force treatise of a man caught within dogmatic political maneuverings, which it critiques indirectly with creative and stoic fervour.

Mr. Zhang Believes 배우

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