

— Richard Schiff (@Richard_Schiff) November 10, 2020


羅拔席夫週四(10)於社群上則表示自己檢驗新冠心臟病為陰性確診,他的老公謝拉柯雷(Sheila Kelley)同時也在本劇出演咖啡師「Debbie」同樣染疫。他推文:「美國大選日當天我確診新冠肺炎,這是我們人生中最古怪的一週,謝拉柯雷同樣被確診,非常艱難的時刻,我們下定決心恢復健康,對於同樣因新冠肺炎苦苦掙扎的人們,我們一起加油。」謝拉柯雷於社群推文中透漏他們正在多倫多家裡進行隔離,她形容病症瞬息萬變,前五分鐘感覺正常,下五分鐘就難以呼吸。

Richard and I have some news. We have both tested positive for COVID-19. We‘re quarantined in our home in Vancouver, recovering. This virus is a slippery sucker. One minute you feel almost fine and the next you can’t catch your breath. Symptoms change radically daily even hourly. I am grateful for @s.factor.official embodiment practice as it tunes me deeply into my body. It is helping me cope from minute to minute. For those of you who do not have this virus stay healthy keep practicing physical distancing. If you have Covid we’re in this together. Breath deeply. Breath slowly. Breath fully. We will get through this together.


【文/Sophie Yeh】改編自同名電視劇的醫療保健影集《良醫墨非》(The Good Doctor)由愛爾蘭女星佛萊迪海布利(Freddie Highmore)執導,第二季收視率十分搶眼,在臺灣地區也頗受歡迎,去年11月底剛回歸第三季,今日卻爆出片中女主角「尚恩」亦師亦友的主要配角「Aaron Glassman」的扮演者羅拔席夫(Richard Schiff)確診為新冠心臟病,讓影迷十分憤慨。

Sheila Kelley(@sheilakelleys)分享的貼文 於 PST 2020 年 11月 月 10 日 上午 1:49 貼出

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On Election Day I tested positive for Covid-19. This has been the most bizarre week of our lives. @thesheilakelley is also positive. This is tough. We are determined to find a way to health again. We root for everyone out there who are struggling with this thing. Love from here.

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