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1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
A love story with unpredictable twists and turns between perception and reality, love and its complications and the faults of human nature, Apo Erota (Lovestruck) is a romantic tal...
2012.04.20 영화관 안에서
After being struck and killed by lightning, a young man recounts the way he blackmailed his fellow classmates into contributing to his literary magazine.
2017.10.14 영화관 안에서
Megan Quinn, an aspiring architect, faces multiple tasks – developing her hometown lake into a commercialized entertainment center, forcing Mrs. Frances Figgins, her childhood ment...
2013.03.29 영화관 안에서
《鬼陰驚 Ghost Struck》她總能感到周圍徘徊着一個肉眼無法察覺到的「人」,眼見周圍的朋友一個個相繼離開,原本開心的拍攝旅程,逐漸被恐慌與驚懼纏繞佔領…… 一對令人稱羨,郎才女貌的情侶,奧夫擁有着俊俏的面貌,表面上雖然專情,但卻揹着女友劈腿,某天奧夫與小三:英約會時,被正牌女友吉茲撞見,事後奧夫辯稱絕對沒有對小三付出...
2013.12.05 영화관 안에서
2012.04.19 영화관 안에서
克洛弗市是一個不起眼的小城,高中生卡森(克里斯·柯爾弗 Chris Colfer 飾)生長在離異家庭,母親對他不聞不問,祖母患有老年痴呆。對卡森來說,走出克洛弗市是人生最大的動力。為實現自己進入西北大學新聞學院的夢想,卡森決定勒索整個學校來美化他的簡歷——他挖出學校裡那些受歡迎同學的把柄,威脅拉拉隊長、橄欖球明星、富家子弟們給他寫稿,幫助他創辦一份文學雜誌。...