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2017.02.10 영화관 안에서
With the help of her friends, Emily moves to a remote home to take better care of her brother, Zack who is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. But what they don't know is that the house...
2017.02.10 영화관 안에서
《惡靈纏身 Bornless Ones》在朋友的幫助下,艾米麗(Emily)搬到偏遠的家中,以更好地照顧被診斷患有腦癱的哥哥扎克(Zack)。但是他們不知道這所房子是一個可怕的祕密,會一個個地困擾着他們。 爲了讓全身癱瘓的弟弟柴克得到妥善照顧,艾蜜莉在幽靜的郊區買了棟舊木屋,並找來好友們一同打掃,整理中他們發現屋內暗藏許多惡魔象徵的符號,而嚇得趕緊通通...