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2011.01.01 영화관 안에서
Ronald Reagan as a man, as compared to his legacy, is rich territory for exploration, and a line from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar is just one of the many things that springs to min...
2010.10.01 영화관 안에서
Barry Munday wakes up after being attacked to realize that he's missing his family jewels. To make matters worse, he learns he's facing a paternity lawsuit filed by a woman he can'...
2001.09.28 영화관 안에서
懂得享受愛,才是真正的生活! 風情萬種的豔舞女郎性感出擊! 查德妮是窮人家的女兒,在一次參加一個姐妹的婚禮中認識羅布特,他是貴族有錢人家的兒子,他對查德妮一見鍾情並被她的美麗與氣質深深吸引,兩個相愛了,但他們的相愛遭...
2005.01.01 영화관 안에서
导演: P. Vasu 主演: Rajinikanth / Prabhu / Jyothika 类型: 喜剧 / 爱情 / 恐怖 / 歌舞 / 奇幻 制片国家/地区: 印度 语言: Tamil / Telugu 上映日期: 2005年04月05...
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
型別: 劇情 官方網站: 製片國家/地區: 加拿大 語言: 英語 片長: 99分鐘 IMDb連結: tt1874451
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
導演: Bill Siegel 主演: 穆罕默德·阿里 型別: 紀錄片 / 傳記 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 片長: 86分鐘 IMDb連結: tt2489734
2013.09.20 영화관 안에서
2003.11.30 영화관 안에서
導演: Robert Allan Ackerman 編劇: Jane Marchwood / Carl Sferrazza Anthony 主演: Judy Davis / James Brolin 型別: 劇情 / 愛情 / 傳記 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言...
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
A look at John Hinkley's 1981 assassination attempt against U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
2007.08.31 영화관 안에서
Paris, August: Driven by his lust, Richard O. explores the sinuous mysteries of eroticism and the women who populate the summer months.
2009.01.01 영화관 안에서
Written and directed by Ernesto Diaz Espinoza, the film stars Marko Zaror as ” a young hitman who will not relent until he has exacted bloody revenge on the man who killed his moth...
1955.12.13 영화관 안에서
本片根據莎士比亞戲劇改編,由出演過Rebbaca,Wuthering Heights,導演過Hamlet的英國明星Laurence Olivier(勞倫斯奧利弗)導演的黑白電影。
1973.09.19 영화관 안에서
劇情梗概:描寫查理成功地搶劫了新墨西哥的銀行,但在搶劫過程中遇到了許多意想不到的事,且這筆錢是黑手黨準備搶劫的,這樣他就成了警方和黑手黨的共同敵人。最後他憑聰明才智將黑手黨炸死,並擺脫警方攜帶贓款溜掉了。 大盜查理準備實施一次搶劫:新墨西哥銀行。...
2016.05.06 영화관 안에서
Charlie is a troublesome 18-year-old who breaks out of a youth drug treatment clinic, but when he returns home to Los Angeles, he's given an intervention by his parents and forced ...
2013.01.21 영화관 안에서
2021.11.19 영화관 안에서
2010.03.16 영화관 안에서
2021.10.15 영화관 안에서
2015.02.06 영화관 안에서
2011.07.01 영화관 안에서
阿米爾汗(Aamir Khan)一出,誰與爭鋒? 近日上映的印度片《Delhi Belly》,是阿米爾汗的製作公司出品,他並沒有參與演出,但有他在幕後當推手,這部電影自開拍以來就備受矚目,大家都好像在等待一項電影盛事似的。 ...