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1994.07.31 영화관 안에서
2013.06.20 영화관 안에서
“Holly”講述在基地村作為舞蹈演員工作但不想讓女兒Wan像自己一樣生活的Holly、因為母親的工作被朋友疏遠但為了不忘記偶然發現的芭蕾舞者夢想而努力的女高中生Wan以及幫助她的世界性芭蕾舞者秀珍之間發生的故事。 在電影中擔當主演飾演Wan的敏雅將展現特有的明朗一面。平時在藝能中發揮才能的敏雅這次出演電影會有怎樣的表現令人期待。             ...
2012.05.28 영화관 안에서
《戀上海明威》是一部HBO製作的傳記電影,由菲力普·考夫曼執導,故事關於記者瑪莎·蓋爾霍恩與她的丈夫、作家歐內斯特·海明威的生活。本片於2012年5月28日在HBO上播放。 影片故事主要聚焦海明威同其第三任妻子蓋爾霍恩的情感糾葛,克里夫·歐文扮演歐內斯特·海明威,妮可·...
2012.04.20 영화관 안에서
An aspiring teen detective stumbles into her first real case, when investigating the mysterious new family in her neighborhood.
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
After the American Army shot down a UFO in 1947, generations of elite commandos were secretly trained to deal with the aliens' feared return. However, the extra-terrestrials never ...
1979.01.01 영화관 안에서
Description: Biographical movie about the King
2017.03.24 영화관 안에서
The middle-aged, divorced Wilson, who lives in Oakland, California, finds himself lonely, smug and obsessed with his past.
2012.05.18 영화관 안에서
導演: Dan Carracino / Kevin Hanlon 編劇: Dan Carracin / Patrick Gambuti Jr. / Kevin Hanlon 主演: Bill Wilson 型別: 紀錄片 / 傳記 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言:...
1977.04.20 영화관 안에서
戲劇家艾維·辛格(伍迪·艾倫 Woody Allen 飾)是這樣一個人:非常介意自己的猶太人的出身;自認爲有童年陰影,看了十六年心理醫生沒見好轉卻一直付錢看;有點阿Q精神,但對人生卻充滿消極;喜歡一直講無聊的笑話。正因爲自身的神經質特質,艾維經歷了兩次失敗的婚姻。 艾維遇到了安妮(黛安·...
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
Comment l’homme le plus riche de Russie est devenu son plus célèbre prisonnier ? Mikhail Khodorkovsky, magnat du pétrole russe emprisonné par Poutine en Sibérie depuis 2003, est of...
2010.01.22 영화관 안에서
影片是一部描寫勇氣、榮譽和愛情的歷史故事。 故事發生在印度的英國統治時期,勇敢的平達里斯人奮而為榮譽和土地戰鬥到最後一息。其中最英勇的平達里斯勇士名叫維爾,他要面對英帝國和地方的邦國王對敵人的縱容,以及自己族人的嫉妒。 ...
1970.07.16 영화관 안에서
The movie is some kind of misnomer ,cause Cromwell's reign is reduced to a short laudatory comment at the end of the movie.However,the film is good with a splendid cast.Richard Har...
2008.09.05 영화관 안에서
2006.01.05 영화관 안에서
神祕,不可思議,十分吸引人,這個史詩般的傳說延續了《哈里·波特》系列故事的傳統,將德國著名青少年讀物作家柯奈莉亞·馮克書中可愛的角色帶進了光彩奪目的生活。 在母親死後,兩個男孩從姨母家中逃走,動身前往義大利的威尼斯,在那裡他們遇見了神祕的“賊王”Scipio。和一些被拋棄的孩子一起,他們...
2017.08.04 영화관 안에서
Charting the story of Formula One's most celebrated family, Williams is a thrilling account of how one man built a racing empire and a vivid, heart-rending portrait of the aftermat...
2016.01.21 영화관 안에서
Winner of the Audience Award at the Los Angeles LGBT Film Festival (OUTFEST), this heartwarming drama is a love letter to the dream of a teenager. Miles is a high school student fr...
1939.10.06 영화관 안에서
1968.04.10 영화관 안에서
Will Penny, an aging cowpoke, takes a job on a ranch which requires him to ride the line of the property looking for trespassers or, worse, squatters. He finds that his cabin in th...
2016.08.12 영화관 안에서
Aspiring NYC artist John Hollar returns to his middle America hometown on the eve of his mother's brain surgery. Joined by his girlfriend, eight months pregnant with their first ch...
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
本片圍繞響譽盛名的Muscle Shoals錄音室展開,這裡曾見證無數六七十年代經典音樂的誕生。