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1989.01.22 영화관 안에서
作為英格蘭最古老家族的主人,韋弗利先生受到前所未有的挑戰----數日內,三封揚言要綁架他三歲兒子的匿名敲詐信陸續送到他手上。 第一封信要求2萬5千英鎊,第二封要求3萬英鎊,第三封信要求5萬英鎊,第四封指出綁架的最後期限,第二天中午12點。 ...
2016.01.23 영화관 안에서
講述上世紀70年代電視記者Christine Chubbuck的生平。
2011.06.16 영화관 안에서
本片榮獲2011年塞巴斯蒂安國際電影節最佳紀錄片提名。 影片從兩位拳擊傳奇巨星兄弟在烏克蘭社會主義時代的童年艱難生活開始,直到他們成為國際拳壇巨星,展現了他們的努力及相互的衝突,著重刻劃了兄弟情,以及他們的故事激勵了一代體育迷。
2010.05.11 영화관 안에서
The town of Westbrick is a rough place to live in. It is here that the young rookie cop Matthew lives with his wife. Meanwhile, notorious serial killers Billy and Barbara embark on...
2017.01.06 영화관 안에서
1997.08.05 영화관 안에서
本片是直接以發行影音產品的方式推出上市,在美國本地所發行的版本其英文片名為【Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search For Christopher Robin】,但是在海外所發行的版本(即美加以外地區所發行的版本),卻都採用另一英文片名【Winnie thePooh's Most Grand Adventure】。本片劇情延續【...
2010.01.01 영화관 안에서
A woman will go to whatever lengths necessary to obtain her dream home with a view of the sea. This includes driving down the property value and decreasing the occupancy rate by ki...
2010.10.01 영화관 안에서
Three college students disappear in a remote village dominated by caste politics. An army officer, and a CBI officer, are sent to investigate the high profile case which has become...
2013.08.04 영화관 안에서
An evocative new 4 part drama from award-winning writer Tony Grisoni (Red Riding, The Unloved), starring Rory Kinnear (Black Mirror), Sean Harris (Prometheus), Shirley Henderson (A...
2009.05.29 영화관 안에서
2009.11.27 영화관 안에서
The movie starts with Navdeep who plays Ajay proclaiming that 'with a friend like Arya, there is no need of enemies'. Arya and Ajay belong to an orphanage, and Arya befriends Ajay....
1959.01.01 영화관 안에서
導演: John Farrow 編劇: 約翰·法羅 型別: 動作 / 愛情 / 傳記 / 歷史 / 戰爭 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1959 片長: 126 分鐘 IMD...
1952.04.08 영화관 안에서
導演: 萊奧·麥卡雷 編劇: Myles Connolly 主演: 羅伯特·沃克 / Helen Hayes / Van Heflin 型別: 劇情 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1952-04-08 片長: ...
2014.11.26 영화관 안에서
2016.02.14 영화관 안에서
This psychological thriller follows actor Kate Lyn Sheil as she prepares to play the role of Christine Chubbuck, a Florida television host who committed suicide on air in 1974. Chr...
2011.07.01 영화관 안에서
《拉瑞·克勞》由湯姆·漢克斯自導自演。 海軍退伍之後,拉瑞(湯姆·漢克斯 Tom Hanks 飾)勤勤懇懇在賣場工作了20幾年。他為人和善,幾乎從不發脾氣,是明星工作人員,顧客喜歡他,老闆也對他頗為賞識。可是裁員風暴還是讓他失去了工作。空閒的他向當地社群裡的大學報了名,並很快就和各色人等...
2003.08.08 영화관 안에서
本片講述了印度超人克里斯的父親的傳奇經歷。本來膽小懦弱的羅西特偶然與遺落在地球的外星人賈都締結下深厚的友情,賈都把自己的一身特異功能傳給了羅西特並幫助他成為所向披靡的超人... ... 如果說《印度超人》是向超人叫板的話,此前傳倒有幾分向ET致敬的味道。
2016.06.17 영화관 안에서
Progressive Dutch couple, Martin Verfondern and Margo Pool, had only one dream - to live off the land, far from the constraints and complications of the city. But, when they arrive...
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
Albert who lives in the small Danish provincial town Kalleby. Albert is always up to no good, but he's also really clumsy. One day he comes to overturn the city's landmarks - a sta...
1941.09.27 영화관 안에서
約克軍曹 Sergeant York是一部1941 年的美國傳記電影,講述了 第一次世界大戰中獲得榮譽最多的美國士兵之一阿爾文·C·約克的生平。這部電影由霍華德·霍克斯執導,加里·庫珀主演,獲得了評論界和商業上的成功,並成為 1941 年票房最高的電影。 加里.庫珀榮獲金像獎最佳男主角的...