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2002.11.08 영화관 안에서
年屆三十的男人威爾伯(Jamie Sives 飾)不知為何對生活失去信心,煤氣、服毒、上吊、投河、泡在浴缸裡割腕……用盡各種手段一次次自殺,卻總被救回,雖然不斷出入自殺者感化小組,但他的自殺遊戲從未停止。 威爾伯的哥哥哈爾伯(Adrian Rawlins 飾)是一個善良的男人,他繼承了父...
2017.03.24 영화관 안에서
The middle-aged, divorced Wilson, who lives in Oakland, California, finds himself lonely, smug and obsessed with his past.
2012.05.18 영화관 안에서
導演: Dan Carracino / Kevin Hanlon 編劇: Dan Carracin / Patrick Gambuti Jr. / Kevin Hanlon 主演: Bill Wilson 型別: 紀錄片 / 傳記 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言:...
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
Albert who lives in the small Danish provincial town Kalleby. Albert is always up to no good, but he's also really clumsy. One day he comes to overturn the city's landmarks - a sta...
2017.01.01 영화관 안에서
GILBERT is a wildly funny and unexpectedly poignant portrait of the life and career of one of comedy's most iconic figures, Gilbert Gottfried.
2010.01.22 영화관 안에서
影片是一部描寫勇氣、榮譽和愛情的歷史故事。 故事發生在印度的英國統治時期,勇敢的平達里斯人奮而為榮譽和土地戰鬥到最後一息。其中最英勇的平達里斯勇士名叫維爾,他要面對英帝國和地方的邦國王對敵人的縱容,以及自己族人的嫉妒。 ...
1994.07.31 영화관 안에서
1970.07.16 영화관 안에서
The movie is some kind of misnomer ,cause Cromwell's reign is reduced to a short laudatory comment at the end of the movie.However,the film is good with a splendid cast.Richard Har...
2017.10.07 영화관 안에서
HBO將打造史蒂文·斯皮爾伯格紀錄片《斯皮爾伯格》。該紀錄片由蘇珊娜·萊西執導。紀錄片對準斯皮爾伯格數十年電影拍攝經歷,於此同時還展現其《大白鯊》《奪寶奇兵》《E.T. 外星人》等佳作的幕後花絮。J·J·艾布拉姆斯、克里斯蒂安·貝爾、德魯·巴里摩爾等會出鏡。該片將於10月7日登陸HBO。
1968.04.10 영화관 안에서
Will Penny, an aging cowpoke, takes a job on a ranch which requires him to ride the line of the property looking for trespassers or, worse, squatters. He finds that his cabin in th...
2003.10.16 영화관 안에서
1954年德國,德國國家足球隊在瑞士打入世界盃決賽。德國魯爾區埃森,人們都聚在理查德·魯班斯基(彼得·羅美爾 Peter Lohmeyer飾)經營的小酒館裡欣賞電視轉播。店主理查德曾在蘇聯的戰俘營被關押了11年,性格保守固執。他的小兒子馬蒂亞斯(路易斯·克拉姆羅特 Lo uis Klamroth飾)把德國球員赫爾穆特視為偶像,千方百計想去瑞士為他捧場。與此同...
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
Kylie Winters| a bullied and self-loathing teen| reluctantly agrees to babysit at an isolated country mansion on Halloween night. When a small boy in a pig mask appears at the door...
1985.01.01 영화관 안에서
羅尼(Joe Mullaney)和威爾(Will)是住在蘇格蘭高地附近愛丁堡的兩個遊手好閒的小混混。窮困潦倒一無所有的兩人總想著某一天能幹點大事。於是他們以羅賓漢的英雄情懷自我鼓勵,決定“禮貌地”打劫高地觀光團遊客們的現金。兩個人帶著狼人面具和小丑面具,拿著可以噴出咖哩粉的玩具槍就開始了蒙面搶劫的征程。哪知兩個人的打劫行為竟然成了吸引高地觀光團遊客們的一大賣...
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
1975.02.13 영화관 안에서
在南非開普敦的法庭上,英國自由主義律師瑞娜正在為她的委託人——一位已被關押長達十年的黑人反種族隔離運動者夏克做辯護,瑞娜希望能通過自己的努力為夏克贏得自由。然而所有不利的證據和相關法律都直指夏克,官司獲勝的希望渺茫,但最終的判決結果卻出乎所有人的意料,政府不僅撤消了對夏克的起訴,而且將他當庭釋放。 ...
1998.01.01 영화관 안에서
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
A fictional account of the 1958 attack against the Hungarian embassy in Bern. Based on a true story about the aftermath of the 1956 Hungarian revolution. ...
1990.01.01 영화관 안에서
After the American Army shot down a UFO in 1947, generations of elite commandos were secretly trained to deal with the aliens' feared return. However, the extra-terrestrials never ...
2006.05.18 영화관 안에서
One-hour retrospective special that was broadcast the hour preceding the series finale of "Will & Grace." The special features the cast talking about their favorite moments, as wel...
2020.02.21 영화관 안에서
由克林伊斯威特執導,根據真實事件改編,《李察朱威爾事件》一片描述當不實的報導被當作事實時,真相會如何被遮掩的故事。     「奧林匹克百年公園有一枚炸彈,你們只有三十分鐘。」世人第一次知道李察朱威爾這號人物是在1996年的亞特蘭大爆炸案中,身為第一個發現炸彈並報警的保全,李察朱威爾及時報警並協助疏散群眾,拯救無數人命的英勇...