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2023.03.15 영화관 안에서
Roy dan Amara adalah pasangan bahagia yang sedang menantikan kelahiran anak pertama mereka, Roy juga baru saja membeli sebuah rumah sebagai wujud impiannya. Namun ada sebuah kejadi...
2023.05.18 영화관 안에서
VERDY (20) dan keempat temannya DEVON (20), SARAH (19), LIA (19) dan MIKO (20) adalah sahabat yang sama-sama suka traveling. Suatu hari, mereka sepakat untuk liburan Panjang selama...
2023.10.12 영화관 안에서
Laras, a sex worker who uses a magical amulet called "Susuk," wants to mend her relationship with Ayu (her younger sister). However, Laras experiences a tragic accident that leaves...
2023.08.03 영화관 안에서
Laras, seorang PSK yang seharusnya tewas terbunuh oleh pelanggan yang tergila-gila padanya, ditolak oleh kematian, karena susuk yang tertanam di tubuhnya. Kini nasib PSK tersebut d...
2023.07.04 영화관 안에서
Bramanto Putra mahasiswa arkeolog menemukan buku catatan kuno di Pulau Onrust yang telah tersimpan 300 tahun. Ia meminta tolong Susan Sriwati teman yang ditaksirnya untuk meriset b...
2023.08.10 영화관 안에서
Synopsis is not available.
2023.10.05 영화관 안에서
Ayu searches for a cure to save her dying sister Laras, who is a sex worker cursed by a magical amulet, while they face escalating terrors in their ancestral village.
2023.07.13 영화관 안에서
Roy and his pregnant wife buy their dream home, but things begin to go wrong when they misuse a monkey claw amulet gifted to them by a shaman. Believing it grants wishes, Roy utter...
2023.10.12 영화관 안에서
Synopsis is not available.
02.15 영화관 안에서
After the death of his estranged father, Yamin inherits his father`s old house. When he goes to visit the house with his wife, he finds a charming young girl named Anom living ther...
2012.01.01 영화관 안에서