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4 months ago
Poor Things is the gothic sex oddysey of Bella, a reanimated body created by a Promethean morgue doctor. The film is a scattershot homage to Burton, Von Trier, Fincher, and Kubrick...
4 years ago
empire的影評:「Despite strong performances and a witty script, Sometimes Always Never lays on the homage a little too thick for its own good, shortchanging itself by imitating a partic...
4 years ago
empire的影評:「Despite strong performances and a witty script, Sometimes Always Never lays on the homage a little too thick for its own good, shortchanging itself by imitating a partic...
4 years ago
empire的影評:「Despite strong performances and a witty script, Sometimes Always Never lays on the homage a little too thick for its own good, shortchanging itself by imitating a partic...
4 years ago
empire的影評:「Despite strong performances and a witty script, Sometimes Always Never lays on the homage a little too thick for its own good, shortchanging itself by imitating a partic...
4 years ago
empire的影評:「Despite strong performances and a witty script, Sometimes Always Never lays on the homage a little too thick for its own good, shortchanging itself by imitating a partic...
4 years ago
empire的影評:「Despite strong performances and a witty script, Sometimes Always Never lays on the homage a little too thick for its own good, shortchanging itself by imitating a partic...
4 years ago
empire的影評:「Despite strong performances and a witty script, Sometimes Always Never lays on the homage a little too thick for its own good, shortchanging itself by imitating a partic...
4 years ago
empire的影評:「Despite strong performances and a witty script, Sometimes Always Never lays on the homage a little too thick for its own good, shortchanging itself by imitating a partic...
4 years ago
empire的影評:「Despite strong performances and a witty script, Sometimes Always Never lays on the homage a little too thick for its own good, shortchanging itself by imitating a partic...

理由なき反抗에 대한 Epedsouall 리뷰

3 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む 過保護だけれど子供と向き合えていない両親。 威厳の無い父親に反感を抱く息子。 思春期の娘との距離感を掴めない父親。不満な娘。 資産はあるが、ネグレクトで病んだ孤独な少年。 少年課の警察官が、こんなに面倒見てくれるのか?というくらい、意外と親身で良い人でした。死人が出ても大して悲しむ様子のないクラスメイト達(^^;)。転校...